What is DBS System Software?
The DBS System Software uses a range of motion (ROM) grading system to provide detailed reports on the physical blueprint of flexibility of each client. This offers a unique opportunity for each therapy session to be tailored to the individual client and their unique physical health goals or issues. The DBS software eliminates guesswork and cookie-cutter therapy. Using your own knowledge and experience, and combining it with the detail data gathered from the reports, you can provide robust TARGETED and TAILORED programs for each of your clients. The DBS Software is not a general stretching solution. Together, the DBS therapy and the DBS Software, provide a targeted stretching program tailored to the client’s needs and goals. With our range of motion software programs, we collect data on the current physical health of each client before we apply a stretch and or corrective program.
This type of data collected can be used across the board with all types of modalities and all types of therapists as all therapists have different backgrounds and understanding of the body and how to heal it, the data just guides the therapist to collaborate as one unit. This software is not limited to just one usage. You can collaborate with others or use it to pin point what areas need to be addressed first and so on.
- The data from the reports can be understood and be used by Doctors, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Personal Trainers, Acupuncturists, Myofascial Therapists, Stretch Therapists, Physio Therapists, Massage Therapists and more.
- You can tailor your therapy to each client with the help of the detailed reports on the current physical health of your client.
- Having this knowledge allows you, your clients and other therapists to work in unison to improve the health of your client and their physical health goals.
- Understanding the current physical health of your client is VITAL in implementing the correct plan of action tailored to your client’s needs.
- The DBS Software allows your client to see the evolution of their therapy and allow them to trust in the process.
- The DBS Software is a visual tool, most people are visual and this software will to help guide your client or patent to the understanding of their own physical health and what he or she needs.
- Offering this new modality will give you the opportunity to sell more robust packages to current and future clients, which will generate more revenue for your practice.
Your Corrective Approach
Each therapist will have their own method of applying the knowledge from the DBS generated reports onto their clients, due to the variety of belief systems, techniques, healing modalities and educational experiences available from each therapist.
Example: Personal Trainers will have a different approach to a corrective program than a massage therapist or a Physical Therapist. One isn’t better or worse than the other. They will be different. However, if a client is seeing several practitioners at once, the DBS software data provides each therapist with a baseline report from which to work and apply their own healing techniques.
Understanding the current physical health is the ONLY way to create the most accurate body balancing program for body pain and or injury prevention. The generated detailed reports allow you to understand which areas are weak, tight, or imbalanced which enables everyone (even the client) to see patterns of pain and or possible root cause of an injury.
DBS Software Training Course
DBS Level 1- is a course where you will learn how to grade range of motion on each stretch to gather current physical health data on each muscle group. We study patterns in each report as it pertains to each client to understand what areas are in the first phase of correction.
DBS Level 2- Software program usage- Everyone assesses each other and gets assessed. All data collected will be logged into the software and analyzed by everyone in the class for educational purposes. You will learn how to enter data and study each assessment. You will learn to read each report and be able to do a full-body assessment by the end of the class. After the course is finished you will have full access to software.

This “Range of Motion Assessment” is a vital component of the DBS System, since all the data entered into the DBS software develops a fully customized stretch/ resistance and corrective program. This program will allow each therapist to understand exactly what muscles are tight, weak imbalanced, as well as what patterns are occurring that cause pain or injuries.
Each Therapist using this data can be as accurate as possible on what needs to be done using their own knowledge and background. The DBS program will help keep track of the progress from each of your assessments to ensure the client is always on the correct program for your client’s goals.

With the data entered the DBS Software will develop a suggested individualized program for you to apply to your client. The flexibility program will allow your client to become more flexible faster than they ever thought possible! These tailored programs guide you as a therapist to the most up to date knowledge about your client’s health so everyone involved can help make the most sound decisions on what should to be done first and in what phase.
It is recommended that your clients receives a new assessment once every 4-6 weeks to keep track of their evolving flexibility scores and to receive the newest updates to their current physical health program. This will ensure each individual program will be the most effective in improving longevity in their body in the quickest way possible.

The Assessment Analysis Report is very detailed. Some people are visual and some are text oriented, so we make sure to have both reports available so everyone understands all the data the way that they like to comprehend it.
This software program displays a 1-10-page reports on the current physical health of each muscle group, both the Left and the right side, as well as:
- Functional Movement of each muscle
- Motions that are restricted
- Restricted every day activities
- Potential Areas for Injury
- Opposing (weak areas)
- What Sports might be hindered
- Recommendations on areas the therapist should check or focus on for optimal therapy
- Notes saved from therapist while assessing
If there is consistency in the application of the corrective program, (the program can be recommended 1-4 times a week) the changes could be as soon as the first session but no more than the first few weeks of using the DBS program. After the first month, gradual and consistent improvement can be expected over time.